Relationship between training volume, mood states and perceived effort in adults

Gema Torres-Luque, Alicia Martinez García, David Molero López-Baraja, Raquel Hernández-García, Pantelis T. Nikolaidis


The aim of this study was to evaluate changes and relationships between mood states, training volume and perception of effort in adults during an eight-week strength-training programme. Twenty-one male adults (age 30.19 ± 8.65 years; height 173.56 ± 7 cm; weight 78.07 ± 10.82 kg) took part in the study. Quantitative monitoring of the training volume, the profile of mood states (POMS) and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) were self-evaluated weekly, i.e. eight times in total. Analysis showed that a well-planned training volume resulted in positive changes of POMS over the eight weeks (p < .05); there was a decrease in the rate of depression and fatigue (p < .05). Positive correlations between evolution of POMS and evolution of volume training were observed (p < .05). In summary, changes in RPE were correlated with changes in POMS over the training programme. Thus, the use of psychological indicators can contribute to a better planning of training volume in adults. These findings may be helpful to coaches in prescribing an optimal training volume for adults.


Mood States; Perception; Training; Physical Activity

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