Influence of physical activity level on emotional stress in elderly persons living in the communityInfluencia de la actividad física sobre el estrés emocional en ancianos residentes en la comunidad

Vinicius Freitas, Cristina Carvalho de Melo, Amanda Leopoldino, Tatiana Boletini, Franco Noce


The present study aimed to verify if the level of physical activity and the mobility of the elderly are stressful factors. 197 elderly people of both sexes (81.2% women, 18.8% men) with mean age of 70.4 (± 6.26) participated in the study. The results indicate that in the TUG test the mean was 9.3 seconds, in the EEP the mean score was 20.0 points and the mean time of physical activity was 82 months. The sample was stratified according to the age group and there was a weak correlation between mobility and time of practice of physical activity and there was no correlation between mobility and stress. When stratifying by performance in the TUG test, interaction between the variables: mobility, physical activity time and stress were found. It was concluded that there is an interaction between: mobility and time of physical activity; Mobility and stress; Time of physical activity and stress.


Stress; Elderly; Mobility; Physical exercises

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