Verbal influence in coping strategies in synchronized swimming athletes

Kátia Regina Ponciano, Danilo Sales Bocalini, Fabio Rocha de Lima, Marcos Alencar Balbinotti, Angela Nogueira Neves, Marcelo Callegari Zanetti


The objectives of the present study were: 1st investigate if a verbal and demonstrative intervention at the moment discriminated as T2 promoted changes in coping strategies when compared to the T1 moment, 2nd investigate the behavior of the perception of efficacy after a verbal and demonstrative intervention at the time T2, 3rd to verify if the scores attributed in the proof of figures at time T2 were higher when compared to T1 moment. Methodology: 23 synchronized swimming athletes, participants in two different synchronized swimming tournaments, here described as Time one (T1) and Time two (T2), were assessed. Results: The results found in the 10 tested pairs (-2.40 < t(22) < 0.31) indicate a difference only on the subdimension “Direct Action” (XT1 = 18.57; XT2 = 19.65) and were statistically different (p < 0.05), before and after educational intervention. There was high intensity in CO (XT1 = 65.04; XT2 = 67.61) and a discreet intensity reduction in WO (XT1= 40.52; XT2 = 40.26) in T2, what may suggest a great tendency to high intensity CO after intervention. Most part of the athletes reported a better efficiency perception influenced by the verbal intervention in T2. Conclusion: Although it is not possible to accredit these results only to the educational intervention, we consider that programs as this may contribute to the usage of cognitive and behavioral strategies once they provide a larger resources repertoire the athletes.


Coping; Athlete; Competition

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