Perception of self-eficacy towards inclusion in pre-service teachers of physical education
Teachers are a fundamental axis in the process of building an inclusive school. It seems relevant to study how they perceive their effectiveness in dealing with students with disabilities, a fact of special importance in the initial training of future teachers of physical education (PE). The objective of the present research was to explore the differences in perceived self-efficacy to adapt tasks in PE and make them inclusive by PE teachers in training. A total of 228 students (Mage=21.85 years) from the bachelor’s degrees in Primary Education and Bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education, both with a specialitation in PE, took part of this study. All of them completed the Spanish version of the Self-Efficacy Scale for Physical Education Teacher Education Majors towards Children with Disabilities (SE-PETE-D) (Block, Hutzler, Barak and Klavina, 2013). The results indicated that the participants with specific training in inclusive PE and with participation in inclusive sport were perceived as more competent when adapting tasks to achieve an inclusive PE. "ese results suggested to include training programs in inclusive PE with the aim of improving the initial training of PE teachers.
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