Analysis of the perception of self-efficacy in paragliding pilots

Mario Diego García, Marta Zubiaur González


This work analyses the perception of self-efficacy (PA) in paragliding pilots, as one of the most relevant variables involved in the risk assumption that comes with practising this sport. The sample consists of 197 pilots (age: M = 41.76 years ± 9.9), 19 women and 178 men. A paragliding-specific self-efficacy scale was developed, following Bandura’s indications (2006), and the effects of variables such as the pilot’s sex, experience level, competition level and injuries sustained were analysed. The results show that paragliding pilots have a high PA (more so men than women), especially in relation to their decision-making capabilities. PA increases with experience and is greatest in pilots at high levels of competition. PA is not associated with pilot accidents or injuries.


Self-efficacy; Air sports; Paragliding; Extreme sports; Sex; Injuries

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