Achieving greater sportsmanship and decreasing school violence through responsibility and sport practice

Bernardino Sánchez-Alcaráz, Alberto Gómez-Mármol, Alfonso Valero-Valenzuela, Ernesto De la Cruz-Sánchez, Noelia Belando, Juan Antonio Moreno-Murcia


This study aims to determine the prediction levels of personal and social responsibility in sportsmanship and violence, and the levels of violence, sportsmanship and responsibility in schools after the application of the Personal and Social Responsibility Model in physical education classes. Two studies have been conducted. The first, made up of a sample of 737 adolescent students aged between 12 and 15 (M = 14.03; SD = 2.14), which measured personal and social responsibility, sportsmanship and school violence. In Study two, the same dimensions were measured in 573 adolescent students aged between 12 and 15 (M = 13.73; SD = 1.83), in two phases (pre and post-test). The structural equation analysis revealed that personal and social responsibility perception predicts sportsmanship positively and violent attitudes negatively. The application of the Responsibility Model in this study produced improvements in personal responsibility, social responsibility, commitment toward sport participation, social conventions in sport.


Physical education; School violence; Education in values; Intervention programs; Adolescent

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