Motives for sports practice, psychological well-being and immigration in Street Workout practitioners

Nora Taipe-Nasimba, David Peris-Delcampo, Enrique Cantón


The objective of this research is to develop a psychosocial profile of the SW practitioners and contribute to the knowledge of this activity. A descriptive-correlational single-measure design was used, which included 216 participants aged 18-36 years old. 92.6% of the sample was formed by men and 21.3% by immigrants. We evaluate practice motivation, psychological well-being, and differences depending on the migratory situation and the practice of additional sports. We obtained sociodemographic data (sex, age, socio-labor situation and country of origin) and data related to the activity (seniority in practice, training time and approach mode). The results showed that SW is practiced mainly by the young male (X= 18.01), students (77.8%). The main modes of approach by acquaintances and social networks. The 57.4% of the participants practice SW exclusively. The most relevant reasons for practice were enjoyment, competence and fitness; also, the participants obtained high scores in psychological well-being. These data make us think of the SW as a useful tool for the promotion of physical activity and values of integration, especially remarkable for its low economic cost and accessibility to the population.


Street workout; Motives; Well-being

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