The coach-athlete relationship in basketball. analysis of the antecedents, components and outcomes

José Manuel Sánchez Galán, Pablo José Borrás Luján, Nuno Leite, Otavio Battaglia, Alberto Lorenzo Calvo


The aim of the study was to examine the coach-athlete relationship by analyzing the determinants of the quality of that relationship, the components emerged from previous constraints and the outcomes of the relationship. We
accomplished a qualitative study using semistructured in-depth interviews with a total of 4 dyads (2 coaches and 4 players)
selected deliberately. The data obtained suggested that the coach-athlete relationship in basketball is organized into three
layers: a) relationship antecedent variables (coach’s and athlete’s behaviour and values wanted), b) components
(behaviours, feelings, cognitions, improvement and maintenance strategies, and management of differences) and c) the consequences or outcomes (the coach and the player). In conclusion, we found that the different antecedents determine the components of the relationship, generating, in the case of positive relationships, satisfaction, wellbeing and
performance, representing a personal and professional growth in both members of the dyad.

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Copyright (c) 2010 José Manuel Sánchez Galán, Pablo José Borrás Luján, Nuno Leite, Otavio Battaglia, Alberto Lorenzo Calvo