Influence of social reinforcement of athletes and anaerobic exercise in smoking cessation with coaches

Fernando Gimeno Marco, María Jiménez López, Jesús De Echave


In this study the application of social reinforcement of players and anaerobic exercise routine in a multicomponent cognitive-behavioral therapy and nicotine replacement therapy program for smoking cessation with a tennis coach, is evaluated. The results show that routine anaerobic exercise was an effective strategy in coping with craving and withdrawal symptoms from the day “D” (time when the coach makes a commitment to zero consumption of cigarettes ). In addition, the social reinforcement of the players was associated with the interest of the coach to get quit within six months of the day “D”. Finally, the usefulness of this smoke cessation programs adaptation to prevent tobacco consumption in athletes and coaches is discussed.


Smoking cessation; Craving; Coaches; Prevention; Anaerobic exercise; Social reinforcement

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