The use of the interpersonal distance in the motor behavior of boxers with different sport level

Vicente Luis del Campo, Rodrigo González Fernández


The aim of this study was to compare the motor performance (i.e., reaction time and response accuracy) of a reduced boxers sample with different sport levels (n = 4 advanced and n = 4 novices) during the perception of sequences of 10 trials containing opponents´ attacks at different distances (i.e., short, medium, long), both in field (3D) and laboratory-based scenarios (2D). The likelihood of the opponent´ actions was manipulated according to the participant´s distance. The participants had to react quickly and accurately, performing a proper dodge to the opponent´s hits. A high-speed camera was used to analyze motor behavior. The results showed that the advanced group reacted faster than the novices in the short and long distances, being more accurate at all distances. When the dimensionality was included into the analysis, the group of higher level was faster (2D) and more accurate (2D and 3D) at the three distances. Therefore, the advanced boxers used the interpersonal distance as contextual information to improve the defensive behavior against the opponents.


Perceptual skill; Information; Opponent; Dimensionality; Movement

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